
Three years ago I was lying in a hospital bed feeling like I had been run over by a truck and dragged a few streets. After twenty hours or so of labor and one hour and fifteen minutes of pushing... I gave birth to a baby boy who weighed less than six lbs at thirty nine and a half weeks. He was five lbs and eleven ounces. Tiny and feisty. And today he's three. Still small and still feisty. My sister used to call him "little Texidor with a big attitude." Whatever he lacked in size he made up for in personality. His terrible twos were indeed terrible. In fact they started about 14 months, not long after he was walking and running. Yet somehow, all of a sudden, he's three. And it actually appears as if the worst of the terrible twos is behind us. I can see our hard work in consistency and providing boundaries is paying off. He's polite. He's respectful for the most part. He may put up a big fuss about doing some things but his obedience levels ha ve risen...