What I Learned from Wonder Woman

Yesterday I was a guest at my son’s Muffins with Mom event at school. For someone like me, who doesn’t really receive verbal accolades from her 4 year old son, it was sweet and memorable. I was especially amused and equally touched by the card I received from him. On it was a fill in the blank about my attributes. According to my son, I am 73 years old and am best at making sandwiches. I have brown eyes and hair and am prettiest when I dance. He has also credited me with teaching him construction things. I have been paid my fair share of compliments in life, but these by far were some of the best and most precious ones. Funny thing is, as I read his card, I was reminded instead of my own mother. I still remember the Mother’s Day event when I was in first grade and she joined me for our own version of Muffins with Mom. But more than that, I smiled because some of the things Joel said about me are reflections of some of the very same things that can be said about her (with the exc...