My First Major Regret as a Mom

My children are 5 and 3 years old respectively. In terms of parenting years I haven't been doing this very long. I have, however, been doing it long enough to have stumbled into my first major regret. It can even be dubbed a Parenting Fail. A week ago, I was picking my 5 year old from Extended Day at school. The attendant asked for my child's name as I whisked out proof of my identity to collect him. She suddenly got a big smile on her face. "He's so cute when he gets dropped off in the mornings." And without missing a beat, as I walked towards the door, I replied: "Too bad he's not as cute when I pick him up at the end the day." Lucky for me, she didn't hear me. Someone else got her attention as the words carelessly spilled from my lips. And suddenly, I was pierced with embarrassment and conviction. Let me explain why. When I became a SAHM Mom a little over 2 years ago, I had no clue what I was in for. I went from a full time working M...