Skinned Knees

Its midnight as I sit at my computer typing today's post. This is officially the last day of Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Six years ago I didn't know Down Syndrome Awareness Month was even a thing. And as I sit here and reflect on our 5th Down Syndrome Awareness Month I find myself grateful for skinned knees. I'm sure I sound a bit crazy right about now. What in the world does skinned knees have to do with Down Syndrome Awareness Month? For me, skinned knees means the world. It means joy and ability. It means inclusion and resilience. Let me explain. Five years ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. And to be frank, I was scared sh*tless. Scared about what that meant for him. Scared about what that meant for my husband & I. Scared about our future. I had no idea what our future would even look like. How I wish I could turn back time and sit down with myself and say " Honey there is no need to cry! It's going to be okay. In fact, it's going to be m...