
I'm beginning to think there is a conspiracy to keep me from sleeping. 

I'll review my last 3 hours and you can be the judge:

11.30 pm- Crawl into bed proud that I turned it before midnight.  Toss and turn for some time
12.40 am- wake up to my back pressed against something. 2 year old crawled in bed with us while we were sleeping. Toss and turn because 2 year old tosses and turns
1.15 am - ask hubby to return 2 year back to his own bed. Toss and turn to fall back asleep.
1.30 am - 7 mo old starts rousing on baby monitor
1.35 am- 7 mo old starts crying. Hubby goes to get baby 
1.40 am- both children in tow- hubby found 2 yr old awake and in baby's crib, with baby!
1.45 am- prepare and give baby bottle
2 am- burp baby- put baby down for sleep
2.05 am- crawl into bed
2.06 am- 2 yr old tosses and turns bumping into me several times
2.10 am - baby starts making noises in bassinet
2.14 am - pat baby's back
2.16 am - crawl into bed 
2.17 - get pushed around by tossing and turning 2 yr old
2.20 am - crawl onto floor with pillow lamenting how tired I am
2.25 am- stomach pains
2.30 am- vomiting and gas and more
Vomiting:  that last piece of pizza WAS NOT prudent 30 minutes before bed 
2.35 am- sit on bathroom floor - feeling icky and tired- listening to baby continue to moan and not sleep - while sipping on seltzer water trying to figure out if I should just sleep on couch
2.38 am - realizing my timeline is off and all times should be pushed back 5-20 minutes between 12.30 and 2
2.41 am- pick up and burp moaning baby more. Baby burps deeply
2.45 am- scared to put sleeping baby down for fear of repeating half of this 

Oh dear! This Momma needs a hotel room for a night of uninterrupted sleep!


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