Attn Walmart Shoppers

Dear Onlookers at Walmart, 

As you stare at me with judgment because my kid is having a royal meltdown, you are welcome to spend a day in my shoes.

My toddler is teething his 2nd upper molars. I invite you to offer him several meal options all day, all which will be refused, because he is in pain.
I invite you to stand in line while he screams in your ear because you are attempting to purchase the only food you HOPE he will comsume.

I invite you to continue to wait in line while he wails and scream and cries because he's so hungry he can't snap himself out of it.

I then invite you to drive home with your ears still ringing from his royal meltdown.

If you prefer to reject my invitation and stick with your lot, which includes being inconvenienced by this experience for 5 minutes, then please reserve your dirty looks for someone else. 

They are most certainly not welcome here.


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