The Water Cooler

While at work I drank lots of water. I'd go to the break room and fill up one or two glasses at a time to take to my desk. Along the way I might pop my head in someone's office, chit chatting about the latest movie, or asking about some event they had going on. Then I'd head back to my desk and precede to work.

At first, the chaos of being plunged into full-time-at-home-motherhood was so overwhelming, I was just trying to keep my head above water. Then the chaos settled down to a much easier or more palatable rhythm. Once it did, however, calm down- something inside me shifted and I couldn't figure out what it was.
I began to feel invisible. I began to feel forgotten. Somewhere among the goldfish snacks and the Finding Nemo playbacks I felt lost in the shuffle of the everyday. It took me several days to realize what was going on. But when I did, it was like a light bulb illuminating a room. I had lost my water cooler experience and my extroverted self was withering without the energy it thrived on.

So... I decided to start finding new "water cooler" experiences. I had the choice to stay at home and wallow and become ho-hum and depressing like Winnie the Pooh's Eeyore, or I could make positive changes that could make a difference for myself.

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