Inadequate Expectations

If I had a dollar for every time someone told me I'd be a great mom before I had children, I'd have a pretty nice sum put away in a savings account right now. From my late teens to well into my late twenties, I would hear this statement often. At first, I was bashfully honored others would think so. With time, I believed the compliments and grew in my confidence and skills. Then my first son was born. I arrived at the hospital rife with hopes and expectations. In fact, they were one and the same. My hopes were my expectations for my new life with my son. A life filled with the outpouring of years of well honed practice and deeply developed nurturing skills. But my first few weeks as a mom was anything but what I expected. I hadn't expected to have such incredible difficulty breastfeeding. I hadn't expected to not experience an immediate bond with my child. I hadn't expected the "shock" to my system that constant sleeplessness and on call mothering d...