Confessions of a Crazy Momma
A few months ago I was at a Christmas party talking to a Mom of four. Her kids were older [than mine], about 7-12 yrs or so. She was on the next phase up of mothering. I was talking to her about how tough this mothering thing could be. I remember her words in response clearly because they rang so true to my own life. She said she remembered when her kids were babies and toddlers, all close in age, and she occasionally sat on her bed and cried, wondering if she was going to make it. At that very moment, her words were like water to a thirsty soul. I had only done the same thing a few days before. I could have hugged her right on the spot! I was tempted to wrap her up in a big "thank- you-finally-someone-gets-me-hug." Instead I shed a couple of tears and said, "yes! I've thought the same thing myself."
I remember the best part about that conversation was not that I was offered any advice about how to do things differently or better. It wasn't about advice on how to take care of myself more, or that I needed to. (I already knew I needed to). In fact, she didn't give any advice at all. She just acknowledged and recalled how really hard some of these mothering days are, esp when her children were so young.
Sometimes, I look around at the moms around me.
So many moms seems to be smiling about life and parenting. No one seems to be breaking a sweat. I'll admit i I sometimes feel like everyone seems to have a handle on it but except me. Maybe its because I'm so newer to the journey. I don't know.
But I do know this: this this mothering thing is tough work! The hardest work I have ever had to do. Ever.
Sometimes I wonder if anyone else is breaking a sweat? I wonder if anyone else is crying on their bed in the middle of a really rough day wondering if they're going to make it? I wonder if I am the only one who wants to sit in the middle of the house on occasion, throw up their hands and say "I give up" when the household seems to be falling apart by the minute.
Maybe I am. Chances are that I am not.

So... I guess I am wanting to say - if you are a Mom and you are in this same place I am, the one marked by chaos and things are going crazy- I feel you! Cause some days I'm going crazy too.
I remember the best part about that conversation was not that I was offered any advice about how to do things differently or better. It wasn't about advice on how to take care of myself more, or that I needed to. (I already knew I needed to). In fact, she didn't give any advice at all. She just acknowledged and recalled how really hard some of these mothering days are, esp when her children were so young.

So many moms seems to be smiling about life and parenting. No one seems to be breaking a sweat. I'll admit i I sometimes feel like everyone seems to have a handle on it but except me. Maybe its because I'm so newer to the journey. I don't know.
But I do know this: this this mothering thing is tough work! The hardest work I have ever had to do. Ever.
Sometimes I wonder if anyone else is breaking a sweat? I wonder if anyone else is crying on their bed in the middle of a really rough day wondering if they're going to make it? I wonder if I am the only one who wants to sit in the middle of the house on occasion, throw up their hands and say "I give up" when the household seems to be falling apart by the minute.
Maybe I am. Chances are that I am not.

So... I guess I am wanting to say - if you are a Mom and you are in this same place I am, the one marked by chaos and things are going crazy- I feel you! Cause some days I'm going crazy too.
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