Life Happens

It’d be fair to say that I’ve been a bit MIA on my blog lately.  Not because I have nothing to say but because life is happening.

My now three year old is embracing and exacting his own independence more than ever. I have friends who told me that the Three’s were just as hard if not harder than the Two’s. I was hoping to avoid a similar fate. But it seems I join the ranks of many Moms who know just how much those Twos and Threes run together.

Then there is the constant worry of finances. I know I am not the only one who wonders how it’s all going to work together. Daily needs, house problems, random unexpected issues… they all seem to fall into a big old bag of “Why now?!”

Life is requiring constant adjustments and I am running around trying to keep up with them. I sometimes feeling like I am trying to keep it all together but to no avail. Life happens and I seem to have little control over how it unfolds. Some days I’m too busy and tired to notice. Other days I fret and worry or get discouraged and despondent. Then there are days where I find I can let it all go, surrender it into the “trusting God” category and finding freedom in knowing that life isn’t all up to me. Thank goodness!

Today, I had been experiencing a myriad of the feelings listed above.  So I decided to take a rest and watch a movie. I chose one of those cheesy romantic holiday movies that I seem to be in the habit of watching in the summer. I sat down with my worries and questions, wondering how my future would unfold. But I set those aside to distract myself with someone else’s life and problems.

This particular movie was about a woman whose life decisions altered her future. She had one of those alternate reality experiences, where she dreamt about what her life would have been like if she didn’t take a job that took her away from home. At the beginning of the movie she was lonely, rude, selfish, and isolated. By the end of the movie, she found herself true self again, relating to those she loved and enjoying all the things she had previously missed out on.

I found myself surprised at how a simple movie could alter my mood. I had sat down burdened by life’s troubles. But I got up from the couch after the movie with a deep sense of grattitude. I felt grateful that I have the opportunity to be married to the love of my life. I felt grateful that I have two beautiful and amazing boys who fill my home with their presence, their laughter, and their love. (They also fill my home with messes and poopy diapers, but that’s beside the point). I felt grateful for the home we live in. I also felt grateful for the wonderful relationships I share within my family. Mostly I was grateful that even though I don’t know what will happen in my future, I can look at my present and enjoy the precious gifts I have been given.

Life happens. I get busy. I fret. I worry. I wonder. I pray. I ask. I plead. I let go. And when I let go…. I open the door of opportunity to take stock of what I have been blessed with and allow myself to enjoy that for the moment. I may feel differently tomorrow. But today I feel grateful for all I have. Especially in the midst of life happening.



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