Simple Substitutes

Eating healthy: let's face it- its tough on a lot of levels. Most often than not, we know how to do it and what plan works best for us- but it's a lot of time and money. The better stuff is more expensive and eating healthy requires more preparation at times. This becomes an even trickier subject when you try to get your kids to eat healthier. They know hwta they like- and its often not healthy. I am not the first person to blog about this nor will I be the last. But I wanted to add my voice to share some quick, inexpensive, and healthier swaps that has worked for us. After all, it may help you find options and feel better about what they eat with a limited effort and impact to your pocket book. Also, I have a picky eater. A very picky eater. His preferred foods to eat will usually hover in the chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, and juice box range. I can get him to eat rice and beans (yay!) and snack on fruits. But I offer veggies that usua...