An Easter Morning Prayer for the Broken Hearted

Dear Lord,

As we walk through this Easter weekend, once again examining and replaying the events that took place some 2,000 years ago, I can't help but think about my own journey of transformation these past few years.

Six years ago, I stood before you with what felt like a life that was falling apart and a heart full of shattered hopes and dreams. I've heard stories and soliloquies of the anguish the disciples may have felt that weekend before Easter morning. They did not know, as we know now, what Sunday morning held for them.

And so Lord there are many folks around me, living in their own personal anguish. Many times, the situations that brought about hurt and brokenness was not of their making. And they wonder, if there will indeed be an Easter morning on the horizon of their hearts. They dare not hope, for their pain feels too deep and their hope too far gone.

And its for those I pray today. I was counted among them 6 years ago. I dared not hope that I could have the freedom, joy, and peace that I walk in today. I could not bear the thought of hoping to be healed, only to find myself hurt once again.

So for my dear friends, and maybe those who I don't know yet, who walk the road I once walked, I say a prayer today.

The passover weekend, you were forced to wear a crown that mocked you. Thorny branches speared your skin and caused you to bleed. There are those who this weekend quietly live with thorny branches spearing their hearts. They bleed in places no one sees, with a sorrow to deep to share. My prayer Lord, is that you would remove those thorns. May you place a balm over their wounds and give them comfort and peace.

You were cursed at, spit on, and beaten. You were put on display for all to see. For those Lord, who secretly struggle with feelings of shame and rejection, I pray that you would free them of those bonds. May you show them the worth, value, and acceptance they can find in you. May you show them that when you created them, you said "It is good." They are "enough" Lord, just as they are.

You had the amazing capacity to forgive those who stood there to watch you die. I don't quite know how you were able to do that. But you did. And so I pray for those who hurt during this season of Passover in their own hearts. I pray that you would give them the capacity to forgive. The ability to let go of that which may grow bitterness in their hearts. To move past the place of defeat into the place of freedom.

You surrendered to a plan that you yourself struggled with in the dead of the night. One that did not have you walk free of pain or condemnation. One that required everything of you. Sometimes Lord, we are called to walk a path that requires everything of us. One that requires a journey we did not choose to walk and found ourselves in. For those who stand in that path this weekend, I pray you give them strength. Strength to journey on into the dead of night. Strength and fortitude to know that the morning will come, even if the night is yet long.

I pray God that hope is restored to the hearts who are walking in grief and mourning. I pray that you would give them the assurance that an Easter morning is yet coming. Their hearts can see a transformation they may not have known was possible. A resurrection morning isn't possible without a death first. I pray God that they may know, that surrender and walking the path they are in, isn't an acceptance to misery. Its an opportunity to see you work like only you can. It's an invitation to allow you to bring forth a resurrection in their lives that is worthy of your glory.

Bring an Easter morning into their lives Lord. One that is full of light and hope and glory. And until that morning comes, give them strength to walk the road you have chosen. Show them how to "bear their cross" with a peace only you can give.

This is my prayer this Easter weekend.


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