A Year of Learning

If I had to sum up 2013 in one sentence, it'd be: A year of learning. I've learned what it means to acknowledge my limitations and respect them in order to be a healthy person. I've learned what it means to let go of self imposed expectations that are unrealistic and unyielding. I've learned what it means to accept, embrace, and love my child with a "special needs" diagnosis. I've learned that while his condition may affect some areas of his life, it is largely inconsequential to the amazing little boy he is. I've learned that there are entirely too many kids fighting sickness, disease, poverty, enslavement, and other difficulties. I am praying for God to show me what I can do to help. Until then, I simply pray for them... I've learned to be honest with faults and share them with others. I've learned to form amazing friendships with women I have yet to meet in person, but have a shared community of love and family through ou...