Whiny Pants

Can you blame them? I sure don't.
For those of you who read, respond, and encourage- thank you!

Sometimes I just want any mom out there like me, who feels like they'll lose it if they hear that musical toy play one more time, that they are not alone. I know I don't hear other moms whine or complain as much as I do and sometimes feel like a crazy-can't-get-it-together-mom. So I also share to commiserate with all you Mommas who LOVE your children and want to do right by them, but are going batty in the process! (Or you Dads, if that's the case)
Maybe I do complain too much about how exhausting it is having 2 small children. Honestly, there has been a day or two when I wondered If I was going to make it!
I used to want 3 .. but now I think it would be in the best interest of my 2 current children to limit my crankiness and frustrations to their lifespans instead of expanding it for a longer period of time!

I am currently telling my 54 year old self that I'll try. Try to keep the rough days in perspective. Try to be kinder to myself, my kids, and others. Try to complain less and count my blessings more. I'll try.
In the meantime, I'll drink a glass of wine and follow with a good night's sleep. And ask the Lord for better subjects to blog about.
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