
Sometimes my toddler drives me mad. I don't mean mad as in angry (though he does that also). I mean mad as in a bit crazy. This kid knows how to push my buttons and so he does on a regular basis. 

But, he's a toddler. That's what they do. They push buttons and test limits and boundaries. And it's my job to help define those for him. Over and over and over.

Occasionally though, I do what I ought to do more often. I take a step back and I look at Joel and the amazing little boy he is. This blog is not to complain about how tough the toddler years are. This blog is to recognize what  great kid he is and how proud I am to be his Mom.

Joel is compassionate. On occasion we'll be at a playground and some kid will get hurt (fall off swing, trip & fall, etc.). Usually, Joel stops, and with a look of concern I hear him as the kid, "you ok?"  The kid usually doesn't here him on account of his/her crying. So he asks again. After a second time of no response, Joel comes to me and tells me that the kid was crying, looking for me to assure him this peer is going to be ok. 

Joel is fun! Aside from enjoying the usual running, jumping, dancing, this boy definitely enjoys a silly laugh. Earlier tonight he was taking a bath with his brother. Alvaro would splash the water with his hands and Joel found that particularly funny. He spent the majority of his bath giggling and laughing. He was in stitches and loving every minute of it. 

Joel is determined. While this also means he is strong willed, there are so many positive attributes about his determination. When he sets his mind to something, he will persevere to see it complete. I first noticed this when he was a few months old. He was determined to stand up on his own. He would be in his playpen, pull to standing and wobbly fall down. Joel did this over and over and over and over for a few days. Within 5 days I think, he was standing on his own and proud of himself. He was also walking at 10 months. I attribute these milestones 100% to this kid's determination. He knows what he wants and he will work hard to achieve it.

Joel is a snugglebug! Physical touch is my primary love language and it seems its also his. Joel wakes up wanting a sippy cup full a milk and some time sitting in Mommy's lap while he gets his bearings for the day. When he's feeling sick he wants to be cuddled and held. When he's going to sleep he likes to be cuddled and held. I love it! I am so lucky!

Joel is a protective brother. He is CRAZY about Alvaro. Every morning starts with Joel asking for milk and then for Alvaro. He gets excited and happy when he sees him. If we leave the house and Alvaro is not coming with us, he gets upset. He does not like leaving Alvaro behind. These boys definitely have their own special bond. It's really sweet to watch. 

Joel is smart. He's learned the majority of the alphabet ON HIS OWN. Through book reading and TV programs, he started pointing letters out to me and telling me what they were, before I ever asked him. I was shocked. I recently asked him what the traffic light colors were... and he knew red and green. This kid is a sponge. 
There are so many other great attributes about his boy. He's friendly. Yet shy. He loves people and to be around his cousins. I'm guessing already that he is indeed an extrovert like his Mom. He likes to sing. He LOVES his grandparents- both my mom and my husband's parents and asks for them all regularly. On and on I can go. But I won't. Just want to share how blessed I am with such a great kid. Even if he does drive me bananas on most days! He's most definitely worth persevering through the terrible 2's for. 


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