One Race at a Time

If you had told me last March as I was in the middle of my maternity leave, that I would be a Stay At Home Mom a year later, I would have told you that you didn't know me very well. If you would have followed that up with the added statements that I would be blogging and a runner, I would have guaranteed we were strangers. The blogging maybe I would have considered as viable, but the running? No. Not in the middle of a busy life, with a household and children to take care of. Not for fun and definitely not for fitness. Maybe one day years from now when I had the time and tenacity, but not anytime soon.

And yet here I sit recovering from my 10K Training Run for today. Not only that, I am running a 5K on Saturday. Not only that, it's just part of my race schedule for the year. Race schedule: I even have a race schedule! Say what?

I'm not a particularly lazy person. If you know me personally, you know that to be true. But neither am I athletic. I was the girl who took a volleyball class in high school and somehow ended up a worse player at the end of the semester than a better one.  Reading, writing, music, art- that's me. Athletics- think again!

Yet here I am musing at the mere fact that I have a race schedule. A pretty ambitious one at that.

  • January - 1st 5K  (3.1 miles)
  • March - 2nd 5K   (3.1 miles)
  • April - 1st 10K  (6.2 Miles)
  • May - 3rd 5K  (3.1 Miles)
  • June- begin training for a half marathon
  • October - 1st Half  (13.1 miles)

And I'm excited about it!

Let me not pull your chain completely. I think of giving up. All. The. Time. Especially before a run. This time around I remind myself that I felt that same way during my 5K race. And now- that seems to be the feasible goal. So onward I march, or rather run towards the goal of my 10K Training. Pray for me ya'll- I think I'll need it to keep going.

But nevertheless... I would not have predicted my life last year as it is today. I am in awe. 

So- if you think you can't (fill in the blank).... or you think you just can't run.. think again. If I can do it - so can you. Be encouraged. Just take it one step at a time.


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