Anywhere But Here
It’s one of those days. One of those days where I want to be
anywhere but here.

I sit at my cluttered dining room table, with cartoons
blaring in the background. I gaze around and take in the view. Toys on the living room floor peppered with
goldfish crumbs everywhere. A sink full of dishes and countertops to match the disarray.
Kids still in pajamas at 2pm and I am no
worse for wear. I haven’t even brushed my hair today. To top it all off I have
no desire to do anything to clean us all up. Nilch. None. Zero. Instead I’ve spent the hours trying to keep
fevers downs and the kids distracted. Despite their runny noses and overly warm
foreheads they still have enough energy to power a small plant.
So I do what I do daily. Look up online ideas for
activities. Wrestle the toddler out of the bathroom as he loudly protest being
parted from the toilet bowl. Put his brother in time out for inappropriately
protecting/hoarding his toys. Dig under the couches for lost toy cars. Check
the clock every 30 minutes wondering how long I still have left in the day
before Dad gets home. Wonder what in the world to cook dinner. Apply the 17th
suggestion I read about to approach my strong willed child and gain compliance.
Try to sit and actually play with the boys. Remember to include reading a book
and playing word games. Feed us all lunch and lament that we still half a day
to get through creatively.
Oh dear- this day is not getting off to an exciting start. And so I start in front
of these keys wishing I was anywhere but here. Wishing I had a pocket full of cash to take
them on all sorts of adventures. Wishing
I was at a hair salon getting my hair done up. Wishing for a kid free shopping
spree hoping to feel glamorous. Wishing even at moments that they were older
and could be taken to an activity where I wouldn’t feel overwhelmed at corralling
them on my own. Then I remember they’re sick anyway and we’d be right back
where we started.

So… I’ll pick myself up. Dust myself off. Drink that second cup of coffee. Push through the apathy. Wash dishes. Create a way to engage and entertain the kids… cook and eat dinner. And then start all over again tomorrow. Hoping and praying … that I can remember to stay in the moment… and enjoy being here.
So… I’ll pick myself up. Dust myself off. Drink that second cup of coffee. Push through the apathy. Wash dishes. Create a way to engage and entertain the kids… cook and eat dinner. And then start all over again tomorrow. Hoping and praying … that I can remember to stay in the moment… and enjoy being here.
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