An Oldie But a Goodie


I never realized what a sporadic event attending church can be, until I had children. Church attendance then went from becoming a given if we were in town, to being peppered with all sorts of obstacles.  Suddenly a variety of factors came into play:  having a child contagious with a cold or virus, being exhausted from staying up all night due to teething ailments, having family in town that would be leaving before we could all head off together for a service. All these had impacts on our “regular church attendance.”  Considering the fact that as a child I attended church with my family four days out of the week consistently, this has been an eye opening experience to say the least.

Two weeks ago, we packed up the boys in the car and headed off to church. We dropped our toddler off at the nursery and headed into the main sanctuary with our newborn. Not long after we were seated, it was announced that this was “Worship Sunday.” The service would be comprised of all music and no preaching. There have been times in the past when I wished for such a Sunday, thoroughly enjoying belting out lyrics to song after song. At other times, I’ve inwardly groaned at the event, feeling that I can pop a CD in my car and sing for an hour and half- but I can’t do the same with my pastor’s Sunday message. In all cases, I was surprised to hear that it was indeed such a Sunday and I settled into my seat.

Although I wasn’t expecting the Worship Sunday, I was very blessed by it. After 2 or 3 songs had passed, I closed my eyes and listened to the words. I allowed my heart to be encouraged by the messages in them. And then, a song I labeled, “An oldie but a goodie” came up in the rotation.  I closed my eyes, and with a heartfelt prayer I sang “If you can use anything Lord, you can use me... Take my hands Lord and my feet, Touch my heart Lord, Speak through me, if you can use anything Lord, you can use me.” 

As the years have passed, and my life has changed in many ways, being used by God to touch someone else’s life is not something I feel happens often. Normally I look about my days, wondering at how I can look beyond my own lifestyle to make an outside impact and difference. Days are filled with working a full time job along with clothing, feeding, bathing, and tending to my boys. I try to spend quality time with my husband. I also attempt to keep cook meals, wash clothes, and keep our house tidy.  I am NOT super woman, and it takes a lot of effort and work to do all these things. Then add to it the need to rest and take care of myself. I’ve begun to wonder how ANY woman does all these things successfully. I’m not complaining, mind you. I am just admitting that attempting to do all these things often leaves me feeling that I have very little left available for God to use.

Then events take place in such a way that reveals to me that God provides all sorts of opportunities for me to help someone else. Even if the methods in which I can help are unconventional.

 A situation came up this past week that had me reflecting on parents who share greater challenges than I. Parents who have sick children in the hospital battling serious illnesses. Some of these illnesses will even have long term effects and complications. I thought about the weight of the load these childhood illnesses had on these parents and wondered if there was anything I could do to help. I didn’t personally know of anyone who was going through this at the moment, but still I contemplated and wondered at what role I could play to tell another parent, “hang in there- you are not forgotten”.

Still pondering my desire to help in which every context would be available, I contacted a family member. This precious person had the task of caring for her child as he suffered from cancer at the young age of 4. We are very honored to have witnessed their courage through their trials, and now their victory as her son has been cancer free for over a year. So I asked for suggestions and tips that would be practical or helpful for other parents who were experiencing the same thing she experienced. With a kind heart she shared some things that helped keep her encouraged and was a blessing to her family during that tough time.

Armed with that information, I pondered what to do with it. Before I could formulate any sort of plan, I saw an unexpected FB post come across my news feed. A parent in my community just found out their child was diagnosed with cancer. Their journey down that ill-fated road begins.

I was suddenly in awe at the timing of this all. I was even in more awe, of what I truly felt was God weaving love, hope, and compassion on this family. He was already stirring up the desire of people like me, to want to help, at the exact time they would need it.

With all the ugliness and the evil we’ve seen in the world these past few days and weeks, it was such an honor to be a part of a story that bears beauty in it, because it draws people to help and not to allow others to hurt alone.

I’m not exactly sure of the specifics of when or where I will be of service to this family who just received the news. But I’m confident God will lead me with the right direction, as my heart continues to pray and sing “If you can use anything Lord, you can use me.”


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