Dear Monday

Dear Monday,

I wanted to write and let you know how much I appreciate you.

This morning on my way to work I was thinking about how much slack you get. Many people dread your existence. Most of the same folk complain about your weekly return. Others dread the mention of your name.

But I don’t mind you at all. If I’ve had a rough and tiring weekend, I look forward to the new week you bring. After a great weekend, I spend the day reflecting on great memories just formed.

Many a good things have happened on a Monday.

My exciting first day of school happened on a Monday. My school career was peppered with Mondays where I was eagerly reunited with my friends readily to share with them my weekend adventures.

Later as a young adult I lived abroad in Europe and worked with Youth With A Mission [YWAM]. During the lecture phase of our training schools, Mondays were always the start and welcome a new speaker and new topic of study and learning.  Our orientations and team building exercises with the YMCA in Newcastle were also on Mondays. Hills were hiked, new and lifelong friendships formed, new foods were tried, and other many new beginnings took place.

When it was time for me to change jobs, Monday was the day I walked into a new office. I was nervous but pleased and eager to take on a new challenge.

One of my greatest and fulfilling roles in life began on a Monday. While my eldest son wasn’t born until the early hours of a Wednesday morning, Monday was the day I went to the hospital for my induction. The process of welcoming that new person in my life began on a Monday. I was excited, nervous, and  more eager for your arrival than any other.

I’ll be honest that not all Mondays are peppered with joy and laughter. Many a Monday I have dragged my exhausted, sleep induced body, into the office, or an appointment, or anywhere other than where I truly longed to be: in my bed sleeping. Some Mondays really have been “manic” and others are not worth mentioning. But that just means you provide plenty of variety on your horizons.

So Thank You Monday. Thanks for continuing to give me the opportunity to begin again and to remind me the time marches forward, through the good and the bad.

Monday, you’ll always be welcomed at my door.


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