A New First Day of School Experience

Years later, far beyond the days of my childhood school
years, this school year brings a
new kind of excitement. My firstborn will
start his very first day of school! Aside from the fact that he’s been begging
to go to school all year long, there are so many reasons to celebrate this
momentous occasion.
First I’m curious to see how much of my home training will
be taken to school with him each day. I’ve tried hard to see that he has
learned to speak and act politely, to mind his manners, to share, and be kind.
I hope to see the fruit of my ongoing labor pay off.
This is also the year that he makes his very first best friend in school! I’m so curious to see who I will be hearing about on a regular basis. Will it be a boy? A girl? Will they teach us about different cultures? Will they be outgoing and gregarious? Will they be shy and sweet? It’ll be a new level of learning for me as Joel’s mom, to see the type of person that connects with him and has fun with him. This will be one of the first friends he’ll make outside of my own social circle of Mommy friends and their kiddos.
This is also the year that he makes his very first best friend in school! I’m so curious to see who I will be hearing about on a regular basis. Will it be a boy? A girl? Will they teach us about different cultures? Will they be outgoing and gregarious? Will they be shy and sweet? It’ll be a new level of learning for me as Joel’s mom, to see the type of person that connects with him and has fun with him. This will be one of the first friends he’ll make outside of my own social circle of Mommy friends and their kiddos.
I’m excited to see all that he’ll be learning when he gets
home from school. He knows his colors, shapes, numbers, animals, etc. But he’ll
learn even more how to connect these items into pictures and stories and much
Also if I’m honest, I’m relieved to have someone else take
over the schedule of engaging his attention for a few hours a day. As much as I
love spending time with my boys, having to manage engaging their attention all
day everyday can be quite exhausting. I think I’m excited to get a daily break and
share that job with someone other than me during the weekdays.
My older son Joel also had me all to himself the first two
years of his life. My younger son now has an opportunity to have me all to himself
for three hours a day. I’m looking forward to that connection time as well.
It won’t be long now. A new pair of shoes, a book bag, and lunch gear is all we have to get to be ready. Then it’s a matter of waiting for that first day! We are all eagerly looking forward to its arrival.
It won’t be long now. A new pair of shoes, a book bag, and lunch gear is all we have to get to be ready. Then it’s a matter of waiting for that first day! We are all eagerly looking forward to its arrival.
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