The Party Is Over

I think about David in the Bible. He’s known for pouring out his anguish in song and poems. I can relate to that. Sometimes I’m nervous that people will read my writings years from now and think I was unhappy with my life. I am not. But … life is still hard. And for as many times my heart has swelled with joy and excitement, it’s equally been filled with pain and fear.

Then an unexpected event gave me a not so pleasant wake up call. It’s as if someone splashed me in the face with a bucket of cold water … and suddenly I was aware that I had crawled in a pit and stayed there far longer than I ever meant to. The fog suddenly lifted and I was once again dissatisfied with the state of my heart.

I wish I was that person who made great choices and stuck with them and had permanent, lasting change. But I’m not. I struggle. I fall. I feel sorry for myself. I make excuses. I justify. I compare. I argue. I envy. I ignore God when he bids me come close. I shut off and shut out the good and positive to wallow in my yuckiness. I fail. Often. More than I want to admit. But I refuse to stay there. I refuse to give up. And once again, I choose to live. I chose to make positive choices that will change my heart for the better. I chose to change and move toward grace in a way that is freeing. I chose to take the 2nd, 5th, 17th, and 29th chance given me…and keep on moving forward.
As tired as I get of admitting I have failed, I am ever so thankful that every day is a new day. Every day is an opportunity to move towards the person I want to be, one choice at a time.
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