Fear: My Frenemy

Have you ever had a Frenemy? I have. My frenemy is Fear. We’ve been friends for as long as I can remember. And for someone who is supposed to be a friend, no one has disarmed and crippled me quite like him. I don’t know why I’m friends with him really. He whispers the promises of protection while in reality he leaves me shackled in chains. He pretends to have my best interest in mind, but the consequences of trusting him can be fatal to my heart. He’ll call himself my friend, all the while he’ll lie to get his way. He tells me the worst will always happen. No matter what I say or do. He’ll even go as far as taunting me with memories of past hurts, having me believe that if I follow his direction, I can avoid future pain. Some days I call him out. I expose him for the bully that he is. On good days, when I can see the truth clearly, I don’t believe the stories he tells me. On those days, his influence in my life is minimized and his attempts to intimidate me fail. Then ...