Run Heather Run!

A few months ago a very special person ran into our lives. That's right, ran into our lives. Through an organization called Who I Run 4 , my son Alvaro became a buddy to a runner. This buddy/ runner relationship is meant to bring encouragement to both parties involved. The buddy is usually someone who can't run for themselves- usually due to a special needs situation, a disease, or a condition which makes it a challenge for the buddies to run. The runner is usually an athlete of various levels who runs on behalf of the buddy. This running gives them a renewed sense of purpose and motivation behind their training, races, and exercises. So the last day of October in 2013, Alvaro was matched with Heather. She was bound for a half marathon with her sister Melanie, a couple of weeks after the match. Melanie was on the waiting list to be matched, so she also lovingly ran on behalf of Alvaro. What a blessing these ladies have been in our lives. They truly have become good fr...