Run Heather Run!

Through an organization called Who I Run 4, my son Alvaro became a buddy to a runner. This buddy/ runner relationship is meant to bring encouragement to both parties involved. The buddy is usually someone who can't run for themselves- usually due to a special needs situation, a disease, or a condition which makes it a challenge for the buddies to run. The runner is usually an athlete of various levels who runs on behalf of the buddy. This running gives them a renewed sense of purpose and motivation behind their training, races, and exercises.
So the last day of October in 2013, Alvaro was matched with Heather. She was bound for a half marathon with her sister Melanie, a couple of weeks after the match. Melanie was on the waiting list to be matched, so she also lovingly ran on behalf of Alvaro.
What a blessing these ladies have been in our lives. They truly have become good friends of ours, despite the distance between us. I corresponded with them, hearing the stories of who they were and why they ran. I believe God really placed these sisters in my life. There were some nights when I was worried about a situation and I sent Heather and text. And she responded giving me the encouragement I really needed.
More than anything though, I am excited about having such a lovely role model for my son. I have seen hard work and determination overcome obstacles and setbacks through her story. I have seen her give it her all, rain or shine, and take in mile after mile. My son will know many obstacles in his life, as we all do. I love knowing that while he may have some physical challenges because of his condition, that there are people, like Heather, who he can look up to... and know that he can push through and work hard and accomplish much.
What a very special gift God has given us.
Tomorrow is Heather & Melanie's 1st Marathon. We'll be here in Florida, Alvaro wearing his "Heather runs for me" onesie, cheering them on.
Good Luck Heather! We love you!
Run like Kenyans, Brown Sisters!!
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