The Upside of Being Home

It's no secret that I find staying at home with my kids a bigger task that I expected. I have been on both sides of the coin, having worked outside the home, and now staying home with my kids. Both have different challenges. 

This blog post however isn't to compare the two. Or even to gripe about  how tired I am or how batty I get staying at home. 

I've been thinking lately about all the blessings and perks that come with staying home with my kids. While I may feel like some days are endless and I rarely, if ever, get " a day off"... there are so many joys I am stumbling into. 

I get to roll out of bed at 8 am.  All my previous working years, I was up at 5.45 or 6 am. That usually led into the big morning rush. Breakfast, diaper bags, food bags, lunches, and if I was lucky, a cup of coffee to drink on my way to work. These days, I get to roll out of bed at 8 am. Sometimes 8.30am. I shuffle to the boy's rooms. I get them bottles, diaper changes, and breakfast, and then make mine. While I may not be eating or having a cup of coffee until 9.30 am...I still have the freedom of taking my time. I don't have to go without my breakfast or coffee.... I just have to wait a little longer... while still in my pajamas.

I get to enjoy a cup of coffee at 4.58 pm. This past week, I found myself in the mood for a cup of coffee at 4.58pm.  If I had been working outside the home, I would have been arranging my desk, rushing out the door for my second shift: dinner, bedtime, cleaning... No time to sit and enjoy that second cup so late in the day.

Random beach days. I found my day open today. We had a play date rescheduled for later in the week, leaving most of our day open. I saw it was going to be 78 degrees. I decided we'd go play at the beach for an hour or so. I called my in-laws and invited them along. At 11.30 am we were enjoying the sand and warmth and cold waves on our feet.  Such spontaneous days are not available on a Wednesday when working outside the home.

I don't miss my kids. That sounds funny, but when I worked outside the home, there were so many days I longed to be playing with my children. I longed to be home, cleaning up the house or cuddling with my munchkins. I experienced guilt for not being around them more. Now, I get to enjoy my kids all the time. Sometimes joy is not the emotion and I wanna tear out my hair. I gotta take the bad with the good, right? In all cases, it feels wonderful to not constantly miss my kids or be at an office sad that I miss witnessing their growth and development.

I've become fluent in my toddler's language development. The more time I spend with Joel, the more I understand what he's saying. I have context. So when he says a clear word, mumbles unintelligible words, and ends with "ca-ca-col"... I totally understand that he's telling me he saw or heard a motorcycle. 

I get to blog. Granted, most days my blogging happens well past midnight due to my attention on the house and the kids, or errands and meetings. But today, its 4.13 pm. My boys are napping
and I am blogging. :) Its nice to have the choice. 

So there you go. While staying at home still has been an eye opener of the constant movement required by those doing it, I have been able to also enjoy the upside of staying at home. 


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