Catch 22

A catch-22 is a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of contradictory rules.

I find that being a parent of a preschooler, or two even, would fall into the category of a Catch 22 and here's why:
I live with the dilemma of trying to enjoy every precious moment with my children while they are small. I am also living with the dilemma of trying to survive some of the difficulties of this stage and holding on to my sanity until this phase is over.

I recently read a blog entitled "Are You Wishing Away What Someone Else Is Missing?"  I read this blog, with big wet tears rolling down my eyes. I related to the woman with the two young children and all the discomforts she was looking forward to leaving behind. I cried because I didn't want to wish away the precious time I have with my boys.

That being said- there are many things I won't be sad will be over. That's why I said that parenting my preschoolers is a catch 22. 

I want to enjoy blowing bubbles in the bath as my two year old giggles.

I do not think I'll be reminiscing with fondness, however, at his all out tantrum where he head butted me and gave me a fat lip in his full body meltdown.

I want to enjoy cuddles on the couch. Yet when its 6 pm and dinner is still needing to be cooked and my budget it too tight for take-out, I need to cut it too short to get food on the table for all the tummies I am feeding.

I want to stop and take time to play with my boys. I want to lose myself in the moment and build memories for them that are filled with smiles and laughter.

But laughing is the LAST thing I did when I was driving down the Interstate last week and heard my toddler yell, "I did it!" I glanced back to find he had crawled out of the harness style safety straps and belts of his car seat and was all but standing on it. I had to pull over, redo them, and ADD a regular car seat belt to ensure his safety. He didn't get the concept that he could get hurt or the police can take Mommy away. He has no reference for the police. And my explanations feel on deaf ears anyway, as he cried and screamed for his freedom while I was strapping him down.

Its such a struggle some days. I don't think I'll ever regret taking a day off to play even  though the house work will build up to double the next day. (Well I may temporarily regret it the next day, but not for long). But after a particularly rough day with two boys needing my constant attention on their less than stellar days, I sit on the couch, wishing it all way. Wishing they were self reliant and able to at least reason. I may regret saying this later, but some days I'd rather have the mouthy lip of an 8 year old than the wrestling matches into the car seat with the two year old.

In all cases, no matter how I look at it, parenting a preschooler can be both beautiful and tragic, depending on the circumstances of the day.  

All I know, is that its a Catch 22. I will try to not wish it away, and "enjoy these precious years." And do so while trying to survive it and not lose my cool and let my buttons be pushed. Good Luck to all of us in the trenches! I think we need it. 


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