The Very Good Year

It’s 1:20 am on December 31, 2015. In a little less than 22 hours I’ll be welcoming in 2016 with the rest of the Eastern Time Zone. I actually haven’t written a blog in weeks and I felt like doing so on this last day of the year would be fitting. Although the last day of a year often comes with reflection and renewed goals, I find that I have been reflecting on many things lately. I’ve been thinking about where my life has been and where it is headed. I’ve been thinking about the hardships and heartbreaks as 2015 was starting and how far things have come and changed. Most of my reflections though have really come onto the scene with what feels like an overnight change in my life. It seems like just a few days ago, I felt like I was drowning. I quit working outside my house and started staying home to care for my kids. And it was hard. Really hard. I wasn’t really sure that first year that I was going to make it. But I did. And interestingly enough, although it took about a yea...